Thursday 10 October 2013

Normal Boring School Day :(

Class starts with Additional Mathematics. Continued with Differentiation topic. I was sleepy during class as I didn't had enough sleep. Miss Nadiah gave us a handout that needs to be completed during Eid Al Adha holidays. Hmm. Then that is not counted as a holiday anymore. Boo hoo.. Next was Islamic Study. Liyana and Alia took about one hour to present about Wahhabi. It was really interesting but I was so sleepy that I couldn't bother about it. I fell asleep during the class. That is so bad of me but try to tell me if there isn't any other person that have fell asleep in class before. We had Chemistry class before recess. We needed to conduct an experiment. It is the acid-base titration thingy. Miss Kiena wasn't in so Encik Mohd Nor had to replace her. In the evening, Hall Of Thoughts was as usual and we had to do a spelling bee. Buzzzzz. I had to spell the word xanthippe but i didn't manage to spell it. I know I suck at spelling but who cares since not everyone is good at spelling. I am blogging at prep time. I hope that blogging wouldn't be a problem since blogging is an assignment that YOU, MR. H, gave me. Haha. Okay. Goodnight, everyone! Don't sleep late! A reminder for myself. :D

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